Supercharge your team and your music program


BBBTeam Membership

A BBBTeam membership with Bigger Better Brains is the easiest way to start educating yourself and your community on the many ways music learning impacts the brain development.

When you work as a team, the power is multiplied

Change together, grow together

Stimulate important conversations

Use our quarterly BBBDiscuss activities to stimulate important conversations between your staff.


Challenge your staff

Challenge your staff to share the research with one colleague or parent outside your team.

Q&A session with Dr Anita Collins

Book in an annual Q&A session with Dr Anita Collins to engage your staff in the latest neuromuscial research.


Focus your staff meetings

Use our professional readings and teaching reflections as the focus for your staff meetings.

BBBTeams get more!

BBBTeams have access to all BBB+ content plus…


Sign your team up to BBB+ today!

The #1 membership for music educators

Simply fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.