The #1 membership for music educators


BBB+ gives you the knowledge and tools to empower and enlighten your music teaching and advocacy.


BBB+ offers educators access to resources designed to support their efforts in educating their communities about the profound influence of music education on brain development.

Gain access to a library of 300+ tools and resources, derived from cutting-edge neuromusical research. Strengthen your voice, broaden your understanding, and elevate your teaching expertise.

BBB+ Membership Plans

  • Free

    Perfect for discovering BBB

    Sign up for free

    $0 to get you started

  • Basic

    Perfect for getting the ball rolling

    $10 monthly OR

    $8/mo billed annually (SAVE 20%)

  • Premium

    Perfect for creating change

    $18 monthly OR

    $14/mo billed annually (SAVE 23%)

  • Team

    Perfect for empowering your team

    $12 monthly for team of 3+

    Billed annually (SAVE 30%)

BBB+ is your ultimate teaching resource


Experience the thrill of being valued

Print ready resources and shareable research to boost awareness and support in your school.

Grow your music program effortlessly

Get your students and parents onboard with our educational resources.


Feel supported to achieve great things

Join our global community and surround yourself with change making music educators.

Build your knowledge in your own time, in your own way

Save time and energy with ready-made professional learning.

BBB+ Inclusions

  • Deep dive research summaries

  • Easy to share content for social media

  • Confidence-building presentations with speaking notes

  • Ready to use student activities

  • Printable infographics & posters

  • Inspirational how-to readings on applying the research

Never feel undervalued again


BBB+ is everything a music teacher needs

  • You can cancel your subscription at any time. You will have access for the remainder of your subscription period.

  • You have full access to member information and permission to use and share on social media and with others.

  • The $100 BBB Educator course discount is only available to annual memberships and not the monthly or team membership. The discount only applies for the first year of annual membership. Please email to receive your discount code.

  • Please read our (membership agreement) for more information on your privacy.


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